Saturday, August 14, 2021

AAA TripleMania XXIX - Omega vs. Andrade for the Mega Title


Marvel lucha six-person to start. Lucha Spider-Man gets a crazy zipline entrance that's terrifying while Lucha Captain America gets a motorcycle. A pretty unique spin-around-the-ring camera is used for the opening sequence with Captain Marvel and Black Widow. Spidey Vikingo hits a gorgeous moonsault with Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel hits an angel's wings on Black Widow for 2. SPINNING FULL NELSON SLAM BY THANOS TO CAPTAIN MARVEL for 2. Captain America hits a 450 on Thanos for 2. LUCHA THE HULK COMES DOWN FOR A STAREDOWN WITH THANOS, and the faces win. Tremendous! Lucha Loki shows up in a post-credits sequence!

Myzteziz Jr is out with his kid and holds him up high! Carta is out for the rumble before Aramis joins the fray. New-age Tito Santana is out but outshined by NINO HAMBUGUESA! Aramis overshoots a flip dive and hits his hamstrings on the barricade! Mr. Iguana dives on Mexican the Shield before Nino cannonballs them! Pimpi does some comedy with Mexican Shield. Villano III Jr. is out and looks great. Aramis knees Iguana and TKOs him. Iguana avoids tapping to a spinning inverted figure four and hits a victory roll into a slingblade! RAMBO WINNER! 

NGT is out as NGD fresh from CMLL and they beat up Mr. Iguana! HOW DARE THEY! They beat the fuck out of refs and then pummel Octagon Jr. God, it's such a shame it takes seven years of TV to make stars... This was so great! Deonna is out for the title vs. title match with Faby Apache. Northern lights to Deonna gets 2. A billion camera cuts and they cut to ONE where it's a super close-up of hair - so you can't see anything. Brilliant! Heel hook by Faby! Deonna takes her to suplex city, but eats an angel's wings. Tirantes HELPS HER UP and eats a rana from Faby! Maravilla eats a superkick from Faby! Double Fujiwara armbar on Faby and Maravilla takes out Shani! DEONNA IS A DOUBLE CHAMP!

Cage and Taurus are out and why is Cage, with his risk of muscle tears in two matches on one card!? Lucha Bros are out for the AAA tag title match  including the Laredo Kid and Vikingo team and this could be a sleeper hit. This is just non-stop insanity - but the Croyt's wrath from Vikingo to Taurus was unreal! Crazy dives aplenty here. Run-up tornillo cutter by Fenix! Fear Factor stomp ends it and Lucha Bros win it! 

Konnan and Andrade argue after Don stirred shit up between them. Konnan leaves him to give Omega a "business proposition". La Empressa is out to face Chessman, Pagano, and Murder Clown. It's a garbage weapons match, shockingly and Pagano drops the fall off a corner DVD into a ladder! Replay of the action here and the flip dive from Monster Clown was in fact an attempt at flipping over.  

Konnan is out with Omega and RIC BY GOD FLAIR is in his future son in law Andrade's corner! Chops are on the menu tonight with Flair in the corner! Seems wrong for Omega to throw knife edges and Andrade to use Wahoo's overhand chops though. Andrade lands a back/neckbreaker and a nightmare on helms street combo. SHOTGUN KNEES HIT, but a second one misses! Kenny wants the OWA, but Andrade victory rolls him to the floor! 

Tornillo by Andrade! JAY DRILLER HITS for Kenny and gets 2.9! Andrade flips out of the super dragon and we get some immovable object lariats! Snapdragon countered into the dragon/German suplex by Andrade for 2! V TRIGGER HITS, but Andrade gets a Judas effect! Andrade gets a victory roll and avoids the OWA. Liger bomb by Kenny is met with a DDT! IDOLO DDT! BUT KENNY'S FOOT IS ON THE ROPE! 

DOUBLE KNEES HIT FLUSH! TWICE! Konnan is up and Tirantes gets bumped. WE GET FLAIR AND ANDRADE CHOPPING OMEGA before Flair punches Omega down. Flair chops Konnan down and we get STEREO FIGURE FOURS! Belt shot! OWA! OMEGA RETAINS!? WOW! 

Psycho Clown and his family come out before a kid rushes in and gets escorted out. We get a Porky tribute video that showcases that he just oozed charisma at all times no matter what. Psycho gets a picture of his father and Rey BUSTS IT OVER HIS HEAD! Eventually. Time for brawling. Lots of brawling. Spike to the head of Psycho and of course we get blood. 

SUICIDE DIVE BY PSYCHO and he hits a door. Kinda. Second one and Rey hits the barricade! CHAIR TO A CHAIR TO THE BALLS OF ESCORPION! Psycho gouges him with a beer bottle! Face wash with a cookie sheet? Maybe start with that? La majistral gets 2 for Psycho! Psycho's sister fouls him and a small package gets 2 but Psycho fouls Escorpion and hits a code red to win! Rey sells the balls for 20 years. Rey's...daughter I'm assuming is cutting his hair. The clippers die because of course they do.

Psycho dances with his kids in the confetti to his music before demanding it be shut off. 

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