Sunday, August 15, 2021

WCW Clash of the Champions 24 - 8-18-93 DEBUT OF THE SHOCKMASTER


This is the newest Board watchalong and I'm glad as it's the first WCW Clash of the Champions I ever saw live. Pillman and Austin were set to defend the tag titles, using the NWA belts instead of the combo NWA/WCW belts but Pillman's ankle is hurt. They don't want to defend them, but Regal is made a replacement and it's cool to see him have the NWA World Tag Team title on - it looks good on him. Roma almost gets a pop for an axehandle off the top and I love Jesse pointing out that the Horsemen bitching about interference is hypocritical since THEY'RE THE HORSEMEN and always did that to people.

Pillman chokes Roma and we get WAY TOO MUCH ROMA HERE. Arn's in and business spicks up before William is up with the crutch and almost hits Steve, but Arn runs Steve into  William for a cradle win. Arn wins via schoolboy - he's the new 24/7 Champion! Eaton vs. 2 Cold is up and this is cool because historically, you get a big flyer of the '80s against a big flyer of the '90s - with both being years ahead of their time. Scorp puts him up and DROPKICKS HIM TO THE FLOOR! Jesus! 450 hits and HE KNEES HIS FACE! Jesus!

Maxx Payne vs. Johnny is up - Norma Jean guitar of Maxx against the mask of Badd. Badd's in the mask due to the Badd Blaster being used on Badd by Maxx at I think SuperBrawl. HOW DID WCW NOT MANAGE TO RELEASE MERCH OF JOHNNY B!? Every show he has some kind of getup on and there's no reason to not do color variants of shirts. Now, you'd just do different shirts and mask designs. Maxx is dreadful and goes for the Fujiawara, but Badd avoids it. Divorce court hits, but Maxx misses a splash off the top and Badd beats him.

Flair for the Gold time with Flair saying that Sting and Davey are the most popular guys in WCW. Davey yells about EVERYBODY'S cooking before THE SHOCKMASTER DEBUTS and wow is this awful - but it's short. LOL @ "he fell right on his fuckin' ass!" being kept in on the Network. This was a disaster, but it's only 5 minutes. Steamboat vs. Orndorff is up and Buffer intros really do help make all title matches seem more important. 

Lots of headlocks and chinlocks and a top wristlock leads to power going out on the hard camera. Double chop sends Paul over the top. Love Jesse getting so upset over possible over the top rope DQs against heels. Paul gets 2 off a cheating rope cover before a crossbody off the top gets cradled and then another cradle GETS THE TITLE WIN FOR STEAMBOAT! Orndorff landing a piledriver on the ramp stuck with me from the initial airing. 

Harley cuts a promo on Flair and Sting and oh yeah, he has The Kongs - Mountain of Shit and Sack of Crap Kong. The Kongs just reeked of USWA mid-carders at their best. MICHAEL BUFFER is introducing the Kongs - this is absolutely their career peak. I love WCW, a global company, using King Kong without a care. Sting slams the Kongs back to back and that was great! He beats the fuck out of them and Stinger splashes him with lights in the background and then the diving splash ends it. 

Flair puts over that this Saturday, they go at it one more time for the NWA Title. Sting and Flair say they aren't best friends - but they do get along now. Flair and Sting having great chemistry as partners and enemies is pretty rare - they compliment each other perfectly. Rick Rude is out with THE EQUALIZER!/ THE FUCKING EQUALIZER!? Dustin is out and ANIMAL IS OUT IN THE Z28! Hawk is of course the actual partner here since Animal is still milking the Lloy'd of London policy. 

Having just gotten the Summerslam '91 and '92 tapes a few months before this, I was so excited to see the LoD here. ​​​​​​​ Hawk and Rude work together early on - fitting since they're both Minnesota boys who broke in together and bounced with Darsow in Grandma B's. Evad goes to slam Dustin and a Hawk bodyblock off the top ends it. This peaked at the intros. Davey gives Harry a shoutout and THEY SLUG IT OUT. 

Mounted punches by Davey on the ramp! God, the thud of that suplex on the ramp was like a shotgun! ​​​​​​​Davey's got his working boots on here and hits an outside-in lariat from the ramp to the ring sending Vader in. Vader works the knee! Vader misses the vertical splash on the barricade and gets gordbustered on it! Samoan drop by Vader hits and he splashes him off the top for 1! 

Vader is pissed, but can't hit the ref because if he's DQed, he loses the title. Love the little bit there where Vader does the Samoan drop earlier - so you think he'll get it off the crucifix, but Davey gets it! CORNER SHIT-KICKING BY VADER! Vader goes up top but gets dropkicked and straddles the buckle. DAVEY SLUGS AWAY IN THE CORNER! Powerslam, but the ref gets bumped! Race prevents a suplex and Vader falls on top for the win. This was fun - probably Davey's best match in WCW.

CACTUS RETURNS AND JUMPS VADER ON THE RAMP! Of course, in a nice nod to Cactus Jack being a Mick persona YEARS before "the faces of Foley" - he's in flannel.

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