Saturday, August 29, 2020

NJPW Summer Struggle in Jingo 8-29-20

It's time for New Japan's first Jingo Stadium show since August of '99, and it's a doozy. Double singles gold is on the line in the main event as Naito aims to reclaim his title from EVIL, while Suzuki and Shingo go to war for the NEVER Title. It's the first live show with English commentary and Kanemaru facing MASTER WATO! A FAN HAS A MASTER WATO SIGN and God bless them for it.

They botch a few things and Wato slips up on a victory roll and eats a kick to cover it up. Dreamcast kick gets 2 for Wato. Alley oop-ish thing hits but Kanemaru cradles him to win. Yano, Desperado, Sanada, and Okada are in for the KOPW first win. SKULL END to Okada off a tombstone attempt and Desperado frog splashes the pile. Blue thunder gets 2 on Okada and the Money Clip is locked on Desperado, but YANO LOW BLOWS OKADA AND SCHOOLBOYS HIM TO WIN! YANO PINS OKADA! DARN BUFFERING prevents either announcer from seeing the low blow.  Kevin's crew lets him know a low blow was used!

Suzuki and Shingo are out and I love Chris saying that if 2020 ended now, and many hope it will, Shingo stands out nicely in 2020. Suzuki and Shingo stand tall in front of each other. BILLION FOREARMS and Chris talks about Minoru losing the NEVER Title at Wrestle Kingdom and shaving his own head - which was tremendous. Shingo puts him against the post and chops and punches him a ton. NOW THERE'S A SPOT GUYS NEED TO STEAL! 

DRAPING ARMBAR and MINORU STALKS HIM. BIG CHOPS! Big forearms by Suzuki and a PK hits for 1! PUMPING BOMBER HITS FOR 2! Kneeling elbows and headbutts. SLEEPER AND THE GOTCH LIFT! He looks to the heavens and wins with the Gotch-style piledriver! Shock of shocks, but Suzuki is an all-time great.

Ishimori is out to face Takahashi, with Taiji in a Muta/beekeeper getup. Hiromu is PEAK HIROMU here. Taiji works on the shoulder, but Hiromu tears it off to show how tough he is. FALCON ARROW BY HIROMU, BUT TAIJI LANDS A POISON RANA! TOSSING GERMAN BY HIROMU! Wheelbarrow toss by Taiji is met with a flatliner by Hiromu! Omaplata crossface by Taiji! TIME BOMB HITS FOR 2! Gargano escape is on and that ends it!

Tanahashi is out HOPPING AROUND IN JOY FOR THE FANS! Chris talks about how Ibushi has led Tana to his old form again. Taiji fills the stadium without moving his lips. Heels work over Tana, but Ibushi saves. Golden Blade hits Taichi! ONE FOR ZSJ! Ibushi floors Taichi and TANA HOPS UP TOP FOR THE Aces High version of the High Fly Flow. Flow misses and Black Mephisto hits to give the heels the win! I like this - they made the heels look like the better team.

Naito is out to face EVIL and we get big moves, interference on both sides with Sanada hitting a TKO on Togo and EVERYONE BEATS UP GEDO! SNAP DESTINO GETS 2! Full-on Destino ends it and Kevin's Destino call is mangled by the internet. THANK GOD THE REIGN OF EVIL IS OVER after like 2 months. That experiment just didn't work in this presentation. 

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