Saturday, October 19, 2019

AAA Heroes Immortales 2019

Getting home just in time to see Drago in an old man luchador getup eating a beating from Daga. FLIP DIVE HITS DAGA and a camera man! Drago's old man luchador outfit fits his gimmick perfectly at least. FOUL and a schoolboy gets 2! POP-UP FOUL KICK AND A CRADLE GETS THE WIN! Arez, Super Fly, and Abismo Negro Jr are out to face Puma King, Dinastia, and Octagon Jr CHILI PEPPERS INTRO MUSIC! AND IT'S A LUMBERJACK MATCH! Tirantes takes a beating and someone does a crazy flip dive to the floor. Octagon Jr hit a 450 and wins it.

Pena memorial battle royal is up with a CGI Pena tribute beforehand. Triton jumps from CMLL as TRITTON. La Hiedra bounces down and lands a superkick. Aerostar's out. Yeah, let's just leave the aerosol can and the lighter on the ramp so a fan can grab it. Great move. Fuck, that counter to whatever the fuck Monster clown was going for had to hurt Aerostar more than the basement dropkick could've. Murder Clown hits a sloppy 619 before Faby dropkicks his ass to eliminate him. Crazy rana counter into a destroyer for 2.9! Taurus is so fucking good. Like he's not the flashiest guy on Earth, but everything he does looks great and he's a fantastic base. He's kind of like Cesaro, but dressed as a bull. Super Rayne Drop off the top gets 2.9! Side to side rope jump super rana by Vikingo! VIKINGO WINS IT! And that's how you get a babyface over in one match. Apron yoshi tonic was nuts!

Omega's out with an instrumental of his theme. Moonsault into a second rope wheelbarrow faceplant by Fenix gets 2. Sharpshooter by Kenny leads to an escape and crazy lucha armdrag by Fenix. Pop-up rana attempt is countered into the snapdragon! SOMERSAULT CUTTER WITH A HEADDROP SELL BY KENNY GODDAMN! BACKSLIDE INTO A V TRIGGER! Perfect execution too, and it only gets 2! OWA is met with a rainmaker high kick and a Fenix driver for 2.9! Fenix's mouth is all messed up and a Liger bomb gets 2. OWA hits and Kenny does what the Bucks have done before - win AAA gold.

Psycho, Escorpion vs. Penta and Texano vs. Wagner and Averno vs. Pagano and Chessman is up. What a gulf in quality when they shift from Penta's tron to Texano's Windows '98 Powerpoint tron. Psycho Clown's terrible theme is growing on me. Shockingly for a match with these guys, it's a lot of brawling and weapons. Wagner hits a dragon screw and takes his half-mask off. Wagner doing the smart thing and waiting until he gets to the very bottom of the cage to jump, because dammit, an injury nixes paydays and paydays equal hair dye!

Pagano jumps halfway off the cage because he's not a man who does wise things. Psycho dives onto a billion guys mid-ring because he isn't an idiot. Averno just casually leaves. Penta and Escorpion get into a hockey fight mid-ring. Psycho bumps off the cage to escape. Chessman got sliced open on something - dude's bleeding a ton! Penta eats a chair to the head. I love the fat-obscuring vest that only manages to make the fat stand out even more. Poor Rey Escorpion.

Penta sets up a chair bridge while fans chant CEIRO MIEDO and airhorns blare in that tone as well. PENTAGON DRIVER THROUGH THE CHAIR BRIDGE! Penta escapes and wins. Rudos attack. Fenix and Psycho Clown make a save and the brothers hug. This was a ton of fun. AAA shows are usually a mixed bag leaning towards either insane or good, but this was good. I watched nearly three hours of this show and it was a blast.

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