Saturday, October 5, 2019

AAA Live on Twtich 10-5-19

Toxin eats a nasty chairshot and gets a sloppy rana. Standing swanton off the top by a blonde guy dressed like a douchebag. Superplex off a top buckle-mounted ladder for 2. SUPERPLEX OFF THE TOP OF A LADDER TO THE FLOOR THROUGH TWO TABLES! And then something that isn't that just ends it. Wow.

Dinastia's out to team with a really busty chick against Shani with her kids. Dinastia is fast as fuck. Goddamn.  Shani lands a rolling victory roll with no pin. Dinastia lands an Asai moonsault into a rana on the floor with a Caristico landing because why the fuck not. Heels double team Dinastia on the floor before a catfight mid-ring. Foul to Shani doesn't get called. Dinastia works with the busty chick for a bit and kicks her in the chin. La Mistica backstabber gets the win for Shani. This was fun.

Octagon Jr's out with Pimpi and Faby to face Poder del Norte. Slingshot chair to the head of Octagon Jr, because of course. Poor Golden Magic - this is a way better gimmick, but he has no real ceiling being a copycat act. Triple team beatdown of Faby and a frog splash ends it.

Abismo Negro Jr's out with Monster Clown to face Nino Hamburguesa and Murder Clown and Aerostar. Texano Jr. Crazy Aerostar dive onto Monster clown in the crowd. Negro hits a nasty shotgun dropkick to Aerostar, who then takes a nasty bump into the rope. NINO HITS A FAT BOY RANA! Murder hits a monkey flip in the corner. Rough Ryder to Murder by Texano. 619 BY MURDER! FAT BOY CANNONBALL BY NINO! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA BY MURDER!
Aerostar hits a dive and wins.I don't know who teamed with who or what the rules were, but this was great!

Fat Chessman is the best Chessman. Rey Escorpion's out with an even goofier tron. PAGANO'S OUT. Someone's gonna bleed! Blue Demon Jr's out with a very red nose. WAGNER'S THEME IS INTACT. Psycho Clown losing his theme hurts him a bit. It's still goofy and mentions him a bit, but lacks a real flow.

Chessman and Demon work over Wagner in the corner. Lots of brawling on the floor. IN A WAGNER-DEMON MATCH!? Lights go out - I'm going to presume that Pagano killed htelighting guy when he heard his new theme. Everyone takes off Demon's mask to reveal Joker paint underneath it. Somersault senton off the apron by Wagner to Demon.  No one ever take a kryptonite Krunch on a chair. fuck. Tirantes holds Wagner and allows him to get beaten up while Psycho gets unmasked.

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