Tuesday, October 29, 2019

NWA Powerrr Episode 4 - Dealer Calls Again

The fall of Tim Storm over the past three shows is recapped. Jim and Joe Galli welcome is to the show and talk about Murdoch vs. Jocephus. James Storm comes out and says he's tired of Aldis ducking him and now Colt wants him even though he's already kicked his ass. Colt comes out and says he wants a rematch. Eli says Storm deserves a shot and Aldis comes down and says that Storm's ramblings are alcohol-fueled. Eli doesn't drink and his only vice is wanting to be like Nick Aldis in the best line he's ever had. Aldis says that this needs to be settled in the ring with a six man tag. If Nick's team wins, Cabana gets a shot at the National Title. Storm says if his team wins, he gets a shot at the World Title - but he must vacate the National Title to get it. Storm says that he accepts and he's sorry about that big truck that hit his Jaguar on the way in.

Kamille-Aldis drama recap. Trevor Murdoch is here with Dave Marquez with his chest all beaten up. Murdoch says he's here to work for a contract and he doesn't think Josephus should be suspended - he wants a match with him. Josephus gets his ass kicked and his powder is kicked into his own face before a super bulldog ends it. Aron Stevens comes out and Galli reminds everyone to avoid eye contact. Stevens tells a fan who says that he's in a blouse is wrong - he's in a shirt! Ricky Starks comes out and Stevens says he wants to be his stunt double. Starks tells him he talks too  much and slaps him into the other table with Cornette.

An Austin Idol ad for the Kayfabe Cocktail airs and we see Ricky Morton out Ricky Mortoning himself in a powder blue suit. We see some of their NWA highlight and find out that they'll be here soon.The Dawsons and Kingston and Homicide brawl before Kingston eats a chair bridge slam. Royce attacks Kingston and The Dawsons get the win. Marti Belle says she's out to prove she deserves a title shot.

Allysin Kay tells both Marti and Ashley Vox to do well, but she doesn't think either is ready. They have a sloppy, but fun match. Way too much comedy stuff that doesn't make sense, but it led to an enjoyable match overall and Marti has improved a ton from her TNA days. Thunder Rosa marches down with drums and wants a handshake from Marti, who leaves. Tony Falk ad. Stevens faces Starks and loses quickly to an O'Connor roll when Starks threatens to slap his face.

Anderson, Aldis, and Cabana are out to face Storm and the Wild Cards. Latimer and Aldis start off with their TNA history brought up a bit in passing - I like that a lot. Storm accidentally superkicks Royce and Colt's Superman Pin wins it - so he gets a National Title shot and Storm's title is safe for now.

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